If you've noticed the new "look and feel," I've switched over to MovableType. Thanks to Mehyar, Luis, and others for their help with the transfer. I even managed to get the old entries to export/import. There are still some weird bugs (I can't seem to delete any of the draft posts...) that I'm struggling with, but overall, MovableType is faster and more flexible than Blogger. I've kept Blogger around just in case this doesn't work out, but so far, I'm happy.
Resolved issues:
- Delete button: "Many of the functions in 3.0 are controlled by the mt.js file. Make sure you have uploaded this file to your server in ASCII mode, and to the location you have designated for your static files." -- argh! I wish that MT had some way of checking itself to make sure it was installed correctly....
- TypeKey requires a trailing slash in the URL on the configuration page. This is bad programming, people like me forget trailing slashes all the time), argh!
One thing I like about MovableType is that I can now use MarsEdit to post entries. This makes life much easier, especially because I compose a lot of my posts while on the train or otherwise disconnected from the net. If you have MacOS X, give MarsEdit a go. It integrates very well with NetNewsWire, which is one of the leading MacOS X RSS aggregators.
2005.04.01: If you're just learning about MovableType, Elise Bauer's MT tutorials at http://www.elise.com/mt/ are invaluable. The folks at SixApart should buy her out and post her tutorials on their main page. I found her site by accident.
- Karen
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