Since the real estate bubble burst in the 1990s followed by the recession compounded by flat population growth, abandoned buildings have greatly increased in numbers in Japan. There's an interested web gallery called 廃墟デフレスパイラル 〜ぼくたちの秘密の場所〜 (roughlyAbandoned Buildings of the Deflation Spiral - Our Secret Places which features photographs of these abandoned buildings in Japan.
こちらは、このHPのメインである廃墟探索写真館です。 現在は神奈川県やその周辺を探索しております。これから少しずつエリア拡大していきたいです。 まだまだ粗末な廃墟写真達ですがどうぞごゆるりとお楽しみください。This home page consists of photographs of abandoned buildings that we have found. Right now, we are centering around Kanagawa Prefecture [southwest of Tokyo] and the surrounding areas. We hope to expand this in the future. The photographs are of rather shabby abandoned buildings but we hope you enjoy them.