Rangefinderforum.com will be giving away a brand new Bessa R3A rangefinder camera. The rules are:
Write a comprehensive article on rangefinder cameras vs. SLR’s. If someone is considering the purchase of a camera, this article should convince that person to consider a rangefinder camera. In other words, the article should provide information which will spark interest in a rangefinder camera. It would be nice for the article to detail digital photography and the future of rf's .as it relates to it
The Complete RFF contest prize will consist of an incredible rangefinder camera package made up of a new Bessa R3A with the 40mm 1,4 and lens hood. As an added bonus. Stephen Gandy from CameraQuest has thrown in a new 40mm 1.4 and LH-5 lens hood.
For more information: http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=65547
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