Leica has posted the PDF manual of its upcoming DMR (Digital Module R) for its Leica R series SLRs. The document reveals a very exciting product that should be in consumer hands in the next month or so -- almost a year behind schedule. You can now pre-order the DMR if you can afford the US$5500 street price.
The DMR is a 10 megapixel interchangeable back designed for the Leica R9 film camera. The DMR back can be changed out in the field with the standard film back if you need to use film midway during a shoot. The DMR has a 1.37x crop factor and is compatible with all R-lenses that can mount on the Leica R9. The maximum framerate is 2 fps for a burst of 10 photographs, stored on SD memory cards.
Some feel the Leica R9 + DMR digital solution is too little (pixels), too late. Can it compete against the Canon EOS 1Ds Mk II or other cameras in its price level (~$8000)? Comments welcome.
Comparing the Leica DMR with Canon EOS 1Ds MkII:
The Leica DMR has less pixels than the EOS, yes that is true. But I think other issues are also important here. Based on what I read in many reviews, the Leica lenses are of very high quality. I think Leica users/owners (I am not) buy Leicas mainly for this reason: superb op tical quality.
Now what is the case: the DMR has a crop factor of 1.37. So: wide angle lenses are no longer usable: the 15mm Leica now no longer gives a 100 deg. horizontal view, but only ~ 75 deg.
Leica does not offer a full frame sensor, and also not a special wide angle lens that allows you to do what the 15mm did for you on film.
Canon does not have these problems: they both offer ' digital' lenses (allow really wide angle together with cropped sensors) AND full full frame cameras.
So to me it seems that Canon has 2 strong advantages here. Or am I missing the point here?
Leica is in a different catagory altogether than Canon. The philosophies of the two cameras are completely different, mainly due to manual focus vs. auto focus.
I'm a Leica SLR owner, and I love mine, but I also respect the Canon. Both cameras are capable tools. However, most working pros are likely to choose the Canon. Leica's strong point will be selling to fine art photographers.