has an article about amateur photographers who are having a hard time getting their photographs printed at photofinishers because they look too professional:
One of the benefits of digital photography – the fact that amateurs can take better-looking photos and doctor them using photo-editing software – is also becoming a bane. Photofinishing labs increasingly are refusing to print professional-looking photographs taken by amateurs.The reason: Photofinishers are afraid of infringing on professional photographers' copyrights.
This is both good and bad for professional photographers. Good in that clients would often copy prints at their local Walmarts in clear violation of copyright law as well as their contracts with their photographers (most weddings and portrait photographers have contracts that clearly stipulate that copyright remains with the photographer). Bad in that Walmart and other photofinishers are policing the types of prints that photographers make.
Of course the solution to the problem is to buy your own printer.
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