Equipment: Pentax Announces the Pentax *istDL Digital Camera

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PENTAX Corporation is pleased to announce the marketing of the PENTAX *istDL digital SLR camera. With a compact, lightweight body, simplified operations and outstanding cost performance, the *istDL is designed to extend the advantages of high-quality digital SLR photography, including lens interchangeability, to photographers of all levels, even those who are unfamiliar with digital and SLR photography.

From the specifications and outward appearances, the DL appears to be identical to the Pentax *ist DS. If anyone knows more about this, drop a comment. The *ist DS is one of the best starter digital SLRs on the market: it's inexpensive, small, has excellent image quality, has one of the best viewfinders for a digital SLR, and can use a wide range of inexpensive K-mount lenses.

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