The AAA jobs database is a great resource for finding jobs in anthropology. You can set up an automated mailing alert that notifies you when new jobs are posted. The most recent one I received are for two new tenure-track jobs in cultural anthropology at the University of Vermont and Ohio State University. The deadlines for both are this December (although I suppose if you send the applications in earlier, they might screen you at the AAAs, which can be both good and bad).
University of Vermont, Department of Anthropology, invites applicants for a tenure-track position as an assistant professor in our undergraduate program. We seek an innovative socio-cultural anthropologist who will complement and build on existing departmental strengths. Successful applicants must be willing to teach a combination of large introductory courses, as well as intermediate and small seminar courses. Ph.D. in anthropology required, along with a record of teaching excellence, an established research agenda, and publications. Preference will be given to scholars who study the Moslem world broadly construed.
The Ohio State University invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor of Anthropology beginning academic year 2005-2006. The position is for a cultural anthropologist with interests in areas that are compatible with the OSU anthropology programs empirical, quantitative orientation and emphases on ecology, evolution, economics, adaptation, diet, and health in past and living populations. Priority given to applicants emphasizing ethnographic fieldwork and demonstrated ability to interact creatively with colleagues in archaeology, and physical and cultural anthropology. Geographic area open. Ph.D. required. Evidence of productivity and excellence in research and teaching required. Ability to teach introductory sociocultural anthropology, sociocultural anthropological theory, and an ethnographic area highly desirable. Deadline for applications is December 1, 2005. Send letter of application, CV, and names and contact information of three references to Chair, Anthropology Search Committee, Department of Anthropology, 244 Lord Hall, 124 West 17th Street, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1364. OSU is an AA/EO employer.
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