Link: Enough Already!

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Peter Myers has a wonderful essay titled Enough Already! on the Luminous Landscape website:

When I am out in the field photographing, I enter what for me is a "sacred space." By this, I mean that I do not want to be disturbed in the field by the technology of the camera. Rather, I want to feel free, open to the moment and absorbed by the beauty of the view in front of me. It's not about the camera, but about the moment. Given my feelings, I do not want a computer strapped to the back of my lens, with twenty-plus levels of menus, more buttons than are needed to launch a nuclear missile, and the perpetual pause to monitor that "all systems are GO!"

The Leica M series camera has been in continuous development for FIFTY YEARS -- one camera body and lens system -- the same camera body and lens system.

Over the Leica M's fifty-year lifespan, this camera system has been refined in actual field use by some of the most prestigious names in photography, such Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alfred Eisenstaedt and Sebastiao Salgado. The camera has been slowly and conservatively shaped to create the essence of the minimal requirements of photography, at maximum performance. The camera system simply disappears, and it becomes a link between the photographer and the lens -- the two covalent elements of photography as an art form. "


Myers also writes:

[Color negative and reversal film] were never designed from the ground up to be a digitally scanned product, with no intention of printing to paper. ... In my opinion, no one ever bothered to invent a film product to fit the new age. E6 and C-41 compatible film are dead paths for a digital world. We need something new and designed exclusively for digital scanning.

As consumers continue to move away from film, I wonder if there would be a new market for color chemistries designed specifically for digital post-production.

I agree that film cameras are simply more fun to use, but as the final result of my exposures are more often than not digital images posted to my website, I would have a keen interest in this type of film.

"I wonder if there would be a new market for color chemistries designed specifically for digital post-production"

I believe that the new versions of Fuji's professional color films are 'optimized' for scanning, and I think Kodak has made changes to their portra line along the same vein. I suspect that these changes are at least in part a response to changes in 1 hour minilab technology; most of the new minilab machines scan the negs and print digitally. As Fuji and Kodak consolidate their film production I'd expect to see scanning optimization hit the consumer films to.

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