Link: Sebastiao Salgado's Genesis project

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I've enjoyed photographer Sebastiao Salgado's earlier work on human migration or poverty etc. much more than his current project in the Galapagos Islands and Antarctica titled Genesis which mainly features turtles and penguins. But his most recent photographs, published in The Guardian, are very moving and well worth a look.

The Genesis project is visually stunning but does not have the social message of his earlier pieces. Is it just a needed, temporary break for Salgado or has he gone off the deep end? What do other people think?

Geek aside: While Salgado used Leica M and R cameras for his earlier work, apparently he has switched to a Pentax 6x45 medium format camera for his Genesis project.

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Awesome from 無の研究 on July 17, 2005 9:22 PM

An awesome photograph of an iceberg by Sebastião Salgado is daunting and fearful. I wasn’t familiar with Salgado before seeing this series, so I’m now exploring his earlier studies of migration. Link from Photoethnography. ... Read More


Ive long loved Salgado's work from Other America's and his work in the Sahel, to Uncertain Grace (his best work, imho). I think his switch to the Pentax and away from the Leica M series has perhaps affected the quality of the images. Its hard to tell as we are looking at web reproductions of his work, not the real thing. Im sure we will see great things from Genesis, despite the fact that he is not focusing on his traditional subject matter.

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