This morning was the annual New Haven Road Race. It just happens that the race runs right by my new house on City Point. If you look at the course map, I live near the intersection of Howard and Sea street on the very bottom. My whole block was out to cheer the runners (and two wheelchair racers) along.
In case you're wondering, I haven't blogged about Katrina because I am just too angry and outraged to even know where to begin. I try not to write when I'm so furious. I hope this is the wake-up call that America has needed for so long. Our government is not serving those of us who need it most. This is a national disgrace.
AirAmerica is running some excellent coverage of Katrina, but I must say that even Fox and CNN are doing a good job these days. For heart-breaking reportage straight from New Orleans, visit the Times-Picayune home page.
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