Link: The Zen of Roomba

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It's no big secret that I'm a big gadget fan and so of course I have a Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner. There's a wonderful blog essay on the "all I ever needed to know, I learned from my Roomba."


I wonder if we can apply these thoughts to academia. I am, unfortunately, the high-maintenance grad student. I do a lot, but I don't work well without fairly regular input. I wish I could change that, because it isn't working for me here.

Sweetie, you need an advisor/mentor/rabbi who can really get on your ass about things. Different advisor have different strengths. Some are good at the nanny/dominatrix role. Some aren't.

I'm definitely a Roomba as a student and teacher. Put me down, hit "clean" and walk away. A couple of hours later, find me stuck under the bed or in the corner, or chewing up the carpet somewhere..... I'm not a good taskmaster. The Yale kids are finding that out all too easily too. :-(

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