has posted an article by Pete Quilly on the Top 10 Advantages of ADD in a High Tech Career.
I find that a great number of graduate students and faculty have characteristics of ADD. The same benefits apply for academia as well. In my own case, the ability to hyperfocus (#1 on the list), work efficiently (#2), and constant environmental awareness (#8) have all contributed to my career as an anthropologist.
In other news, the manufacturers of Ritalin have been forced to give it a black-box warning by the FDA, the most severe warning label possible, due to the danger to the cardiovascular system. I personally have never taken Ritalin, for fear that it would take away the gifts that ADD provides.
I apologize for the lack of posts recently. My PowerBook has succumbed to the PB G4 lower memory slot failure and has been sent back to the mothership. It should come back on Monday and I'll be back up to speed.
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