I met Kathy Martinez, the executive director of WID, today and she told me about SuperFest which is a film festival for disability culture. Unfortunately, the 2007 deadline was mid-January, so I'll have to apply next year. But it looks fantastic:
SUPERFEST International Disability Film Festival Calls for Submissions: Your Opportunity to Contribute to Disability Culture Superfest, the world's longest-running juried international disability film festival, is seeking your entry for submission to our 27th film competition. Superfest is the primary international showcase for cutting-edge films that portray disability culture and experience in all its diverse, complex, and empowering facets. NEW FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE: January 15, 2007 (post-marked). Early bird discount if mailed by Jan. 3, 2007. Judging takes place in Spring 2007, and winners will be announced on or around April 1st, 2007. Winners will be screened in the SF Bay Area in June 2007, and all entries will be listed in the festival catalogue. Winners will be asked to provide still production photos and tape copies for publicity purposes. http://www.culturedisabilitytalent.org/
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