Info: Summer ASL program in Siena, Italy

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Wow, I wish I had more spare time....

The Siena School for Liberal Arts, located in Tuscany Italy, offers a unique 3 week study abroad experience in Summer 2008 for American Sign Language users, Deaf and hearing. These two distinct programs give ASL users an opportunity to learn Italian Sign Language in a formal setting.

The Language and Culture Program for Deaf Adults brings Deaf Italians and Deaf Americans together for a fantastic opportunity for cultural and
linguistic exchange. Americans learn Lingua Italiana dei Signi (Italian
Sign Language or LIS) and written Italian, while the Italians learn American Sign Language and written English. Students are housed in apartments in the city center for a full opportunity to practice their newly acquired skills.

The Summer Program for LIS and Deaf Studies brings hearing students who know ASL from all over America to learn LIS, written and spoken Italian and Italian Deaf culture. Outside the classroom, students stay with local hearing families and are completely immersed in Italian culture and language. Students are also required to complete or participate in a final project which gives back to the Deaf community; last year's students assisted with documenting the life history of two Deaf women.

The programs are geared towards college students and, if prearranged with
the home institution, have the opportunity to earn college credit. All
classes are taught by native users. In addition to classroom activities,
the programs have a variety of opportunities to interact with the local Deaf
community. Students also go on excursions to various museums, landmarks and
other events where using LIS and Italian is reinforced.

For information regarding the Deaf program, please visit:

For information regarding the hearing program, please visit:
For information on the Siena School for Liberal Arts, please visit:

If you would like to receive brochures, have questions and/or comments,
please email

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