Info: Incidence of mental illness in the United States

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WebMD cites a study from the recent issue of Molecular Psychiatry on the incidence of mental illness in American adults:

  • 1.7% developed alcohol dependency
  • 1.51% developed major depression
  • 1.12% developed generalized anxiety disorder
  • 1.02% developed alcohol abuse
  • 0.62% developed any panic disorder
  • 0.53% developed bipolar I disorder
  • 0.44% developed a phobia
  • 0.32% developed drug dependency
  • 0.32% developed social phobia
  • 0.28% developed drug abuse
  • 0.21% developed bipolar II disorder

Although the rates seem low, the author points out that the risks are greater than those for lung cancer, stroke, or cardiovascular disease.

Read the article on WebMD.


I was just talking to a woman in the vet's office who said she saw something on Oprah about how the life expectancy of women is decreasing due to stress. Where is feminism when we need it?

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