Meta: Blog upgraded to MT4.1

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Just a small note that I upgraded this blog to MovableType 4.1. I think the process was rather smooth , but just to be sure -- try commenting on this entry to see if the comment mechanism works. If it doesn't, please e-mail me!

1:45pm Hmmm.... something is wrong with the commenting system. The previous anti-spam mechanism is incompatible w/ MT4.1.

1:52pm Now set up anonymous posting w/ reCaptchas.

1:58pm Accidentally nuked the old version 2.x stylesheets that I had been dragging around forever. Had to use a default 4.1 style to get everything working again. Boring!


This is a test of the reCaptcha anonymous posting. Woof woof!

The advantage of MT4.1 is now people can login with a variety of identity providers (including LJ and OpenID) -- so Kerim and others have no excuse for anonymous posting anymore!

Anyone know of any good stylesheets for MT 4.1? All I can find are the built-in ones from SixApart. All the 3.x repositories aren't yet updated for 4.x.

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This page contains a single entry by Karen Nakamura published on April 10, 2008 1:16 PM.

Deaf in Japan awarded the 2008 John Whitney Hall Prize was the previous entry in this blog.

Dog: Momo in the New Haven Independent newspaper is the next entry in this blog.

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