April 2009 Archives

This is just a collection of photography related things that caught my eye over the past few weeks.

Jewelry made from "discarded camera components." (Via @Bllix.)

Camera Jewelry.jpeg

A huge lens, especially with no tripod.

Huge Lens.jpg

Jens Tønnesen asks, "Too much photoshop?" (Via @Shashwati.)

Too Much Photoshop.jpeg

One of the more interesting panels at the Association for Asian Studies meeting Chicago was the Japan Image Use Protocol Guide workshop. This was organized by the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources.

Basically, the Image Use Protocol Guide is designed to help academic authors and publishers navigate the somewhat circuitous path to getting image use rights from Japanese copyright holders. The most useful portion for me is the Permission Request Templates that you can use to send to image rights holders (museums, publishers, etc.) asking for permission to reprint photographs in your papers and monographs.

The protocol guide is still in the beta stage and they are asking for comments:

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