Ainu Komonjo Digitization Project at U-Wisconsin

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AinuKomonjo0048.jpgDr. Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney at the University of Wisconsin has been digitizing some very old Japanese texts about the Ainu first people. The real benefit is that there are wonderful drawings of the unique clothing that the Ainu wore, which indicated which clan they belonged to.

The user interface has to be one of the worst I've ever used, but still with a little browsing, you can get images like the one to the right.

*** The collection URL is at

Users/searchers can browse the collection and see a list of titles by clicking Browse Ainu Komonjo. Users can also do keyword searches by selecting search the full text.

There's no easy way to get to the images. Select Browse the Collection. This should bring up a list of the titles. You can click on a title and this will bring you to that book/volume's "home page". On the left side of the screen you should see a link title, "display gallery view" and this will show twenty pages at a time and makes it much easier to get to the images.

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