I'm in an anti-Mac rut these days.
Getting ready to give a fancy presentation to medical types and just realized that Pages has no way to type an italic x with an over bar over it as in arithmetic-mean (x=1.0). The image below is a GIF picture -- you can't write the x on the left hand side of the equation in Pages!
What century are we in! It turns out that x-bar isn't a standard Unicode glyph and so programs have to support it themselves, which Pages doesn't.
I know Steve Jobs doesn't do math, but is some basic math support too much to ask? I'm not asking for LaTex, but I am asking to not be made to seem absolutely daft.
Finally found something. It looks like this might work. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2206977&tstart=0&messageID=10443934 I was able to cut and paste it okay, though I'm not sure if it is as pretty as you would like for it to be. You could add it to a clipboard or text expander program.