"RedHead" Custom Windscreens

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I was giving a friend some advice on digital recorders and came across a mention of the RedHead windscreen in one of the reviews for the Samson Zoom H1. Judging from the video, it seems to do a pretty amazing and incredible job. The windscreen is available for other digital recorders too and in other colors as well.


Plus, you get your mic to look like Beaker from the muppets. Win!

The red color is fine for pure audio recording, but if you're using it on a camcorder you have to watch out that it doesn't either reflect on specular surfaces (like eyeglasses) or cause a slight but subtle color cast on white objects.

But I see they have other colors as well.

Nice find! :-)

p.s. And if I got one, I'd definitely stick googly eyes on it too! :

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This page contains a single entry by Jason C Romero published on January 26, 2011 11:43 PM.

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