The Sky is a Gradient

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I'm (JCR) exploring web design and a new life lately, and/so these sky pictures touched a nerve. Beautiful, simple, and well designed. Click here to see some of the photographer's other beauties.


Via Minimalissimo.


Those are real skies???!??!

Haha yes I believe so. ;)

"The photographs in the ongoing Sky Series are initially captured as the sun rises or sets. Cahan uses as many as four different cameras ranging from 6 x 7 film to digital. Employing dozens of graduated filters traditionally used by filmmakers, his objective is to create a window into a time and a place, and to demonstrate how memories and colors shift and become abstract. Cahan produces chromium prints of each image numerous times until the result is seamless, free of banding or blemish."

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This page contains a single entry by Jason C Romero published on December 19, 2011 3:44 PM.

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