I'm on the cusp of sending the manuscript for A Disability of the Soul to my publisher. I was cleaning up the text and came across tips for two important tasks:
- Are you plagued with horizontal rules in Word that won't go away? These horizontal rules are created when you type three dashes --- in a row -- and are almost impossible to get rid of. Deleting them won't work, cutting them won't work. They are immortal. Here's how to get rid of them: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f57/remove-horizontal-rules-ms-word-105393.html
- I needed to add line numbers down the left side of the page to make it easier for copyeditors to mark material. Here's how to do it: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692905.aspx
In both cases, scroll down as the tips are at the bottom of the pages.
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