Karen Nakamura: July 2006 Archives


For the past four weeks, I have been following the northern land route of the Silk Road from the ancient capital of Chang'an heading west. I've been visiting various archaeological sites (mostly dealing with 4th-8th century Buddhism) along the way. The above photograph was taken near the Mogao cave site at Dunhuang, right on the edge of the Gobi Desert.

I'm heading into the Taklamakan Desert in the next few days, heading further west towards Kucha and then Kashgar. Then we head down the southern route of the Silk Road, before arriving at Urumchi. My Leica and Canon are holding up well and I'm looking forward to sorting through and posting the photographs when I return.

I suppose it goes without saying that I'm having the time of my life.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Karen Nakamura in July 2006.

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