Blog - Links to other blogs: December 2005 Archives

Link: A Question of Balance

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Imagine being a photojournalist in Iraq. Would you want to carry a bag full of photography gear on your shoulder and a heavy duty SLR on your neck while covering a war zone? Alex Majoli..a distinguished photojournalist with assignments in war torn Africa and Middle East prefers digital point-and-shoot cameras. For the complete story on this rather wise journalist see:


This is a rather random link, but there's an excellent article on how to make a 50/20 watt bike headlight using parts at your local Home Depot. Certainly something of interest to everyone who commutes as well as to videographers who might be able to steal some ideas from this.
I am in utter awe of this ethnographic documentary short (8 min) titled Sushi: The Japanese Tradition." It's a must see for all who wish to consider themselves specialists in Japanese culture and an inspiration to me. If anyone knows anything about the producers of this fine piece of work, please let me know.

Link: 39 pounds of love

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HBO/Cinemax has produced a wonderful documentary of Ami Ankilewitz, who was born with the rare disease SMA/2. His mother was told he would only live to the age of 6 - she told the doctor that he was not G-d and that he could not say how long her child would have to live. Now, 34 and weighing only 39 pounds (and living and working in Israel as a CG animator), the film takes us on Ami's journey back to the United States to find his brother and the doctor who originally (mis)diagnosed him. Link added 2005.12.20.
Wikipedia has an interesting entry on the Dogme 95 filmmaking movement which involves a very direct style of shooting. Documentary and ethnographic films approach this style closely although even we break the conventions with dubbed sound and music. Something to mull over.

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