Blog - Links to other blogs: April 2006 Archives

I recently stumbled across a strange website promulgating a cultish fascination with ... traveling light. This is a rather alien concept to me, as anyone who has travelled with me knows. Last winter's trip to Japan is a case in point, with not one but two backpacks filled with equipment.

However, it's a free country (well...) and so we should give equal time to all perspectives, including those of Creation Scientists and One nutcases. Peruse his site, get brainwashed, and then come back to my equipment review page when you realize that this vision is simply impossible.

Pissed off Master's student Kathleen Shafer has begun a new blog inspired by her recent experience with professional (not) TSA agents at San Francisco airport not properly acknowledging the existence of medium large format sheet film. Check out the details here:

Blog - Links to other blogs: March 2013: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Blog - Links to other blogs category from April 2006.

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Blog - Links to other blogs: May 2006 is the next archive.

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