Blog - Links to other blogs: May 2006 Archives

In my continuing series on camping and biking equipment, here is a link to making your own backpacking gear (tents, packs, stoves, cookware, etc.).

Bob Langjahr sent me this great link to a photograph archive at Nagasaki University with material from 19th century Japan:

as well as this series from Tibet in the 1940s:

A student at Dickinson College recently let me know about the Open Shutter Project -- an effort by five undergraduates to document Uganda through photographs and text. It's quite a wonderful website and I'd like to encourage more student projects such as this. Check the site out and be sure to leave feedback for them.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Blog - Links to other blogs category from May 2006.

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Blog - Links to other blogs: June 2006 is the next archive.

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