Blog - Links to other blogs: June 2006 Archives

Here's an interesting fellowship announcement that dropped in my emailbox:

I am writing to you about the S&R Foundation, which sponsors a wonderful award for young artists in the fields of music, fine arts, drama, dance, dance, photography or film. Awardees receive a $5000 cash prize, and the Foundation also sponsors a gallery showing, concert or other showcase for the winner. It's a great opportunity for a deserving young artist.

Eligible applicants are 18 years of age or older, currently NOT enrolled as a student, and contribute to U.S.-Japanese understanding.

I was wondering if you -- or anyone you know - has any Japanese or Japanese-American former students who could be good candidates? (Or Americans who have incorporate Japanese techniques in their art could also be eligible.) We are interested in expanding our applicant pool, and would appreciate it if you could pass the word on to anyone you think might be appropriate. Please let me know, and feel free to pass along the news.

The deadline for applications is October 1, 2006. Go to for more information. has a page up with Canon XL-H1 presets submitted by various cinematographers. Canon provides zilch documentation for what presets do, so this is great for experimenting with the settings. has a shotgun shootout article with sound samples from the following mikes:

  • Oktava MCO-12
  • AKG Blue Line
  • AKG C480B ULS (ultra linear series)
  • Sennheiser MKH50
  • Schoeps MK41 vs. MKH60 (flat)
  • Sennheiser MKH60 vs. Schoeps CMC6/MK
  • Sennheiser ME66 vs. the MKH60
  • Sanken CS-1
  • Sanken CS-3
  • Sennheiser MKH-416
  • AKG C480B vrs. CK69
  • Audio Technica 4073a

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