Blog - Links to other blogs: May 2009 Archives


The New York Times has a new photojournalism blog titled Lens:

The New York Times introduces Lens, a photojournalism blog that intends to present some of the most interesting visual and multimedia reporting: in photographs, videos, audio slide shows and any other medium that fits -- our format.

I imagine others have remarked about the web's effect on photography, but this seems to be another example of a shift in emphases as a result of the web and really lives up to the promise of hypermedia.

The article titled "On Assignment: A Photo Op, More Like a Photo Hop," which features a video of a photographer's experience of the Oval Office, is an especially good example of the worlds that the Internet in general and this blog in particular can allow us to enter.

My friend George sent me this amazing link to a youtube video. It's a Pantene commercial from Thailand featuring a deaf violinist.

One of the best ads that I've ever seen. And their signing isn't that bad either!

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