Blog - Links to other blogs: January 2011 Archives

Very randomly, I was checking a link of someone who wrote me, they had this link on their blog: The Manic Thrift Store Shopper.

An easy way to spend hours of your life that you'll never get baack.

Over on there's a great article on the mechanics of the human optic system and analyzes the eye as if it were a high-end camera system, including an answer to the age old question: What is the ISO (aka ASA) of the human eye?

Optics of the eyeball

[Via Gizmodo]

VivianMaier3468.jpgFrequent contributor Nate sent me a link about Vivian Maier - a Chicago nanny who took over 100,000 photographs over her lifetime. Her material is breathtaking. Her photos were discovered in an abandoned storage unit by John Maloof, who is now curating her material. His blog is here: A nice newsclip from WTTW is here:

Yes, this is just another chapter in my obsession with time-lapse photography, among other things. But seeing these videos together - time-lapse, mirror vision, and slow motion - made me think about the superhuman way in which they augment our senses. It's a little sad that these mysterious visions have become so banal to us, but I suppose that some things have to lose their magic for us to be able to move on and get by.

Via @jtzl.

Via Reddit.

Via Reddit.

Just when I thought I had seen it all (aka bamboo bikes), Nate sends me a link to a craftsman in Japan who makes wooden bicycles out of mahogany. Cute, you think. Toy wood bikes..... only these are high-end, custom racing bikes. Real bikes.

The maker, Suehiro Sano, is a 9th generation craftsman. Apparently he made high end wooden boats before going into bicycles.

Sano's website is here:

My home network is based around Windows 7. Shocking, yes, I know -- but Win7 media center has a much better 10 foot interface than FrontRow and I can build each HTPC for around $300.... as compared to $600 for a MacMini which isn't expandable.

In any case, my Win7 machines were having a problem forgetting their login credentials for file sharing. Found the fix here:

My pal Nate sent me this short clip about blackberries and technology from the BBC...

Another doc film recommended to me by Ana Lara:

The Aggressives. Can't find much info about the distributor - looks like it might have gone out of business. Amazon sells used copies of it, though.

Of Men and Gods (des hommes et dieux) is a film about sexuality in Haiti. Sold by DER. A preview is on Youtube.

Video recommendation by Ana Lara.

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