Equipment - tools of the trade: November 2005 Archives has an exclusive hands-on review of the new Canon XL-H1. I have one on order from B&H and can't wait to get my hands on it.
Softweigh has some great ideas for DIY videography gadgets including a Steadicam made from broom parts, tripod dolly using rollerblad wheels, etc.

I'm cleaning out my closets. I just have too much camera junk. Anyway, until I can either get more shelving or a bigger discretionary household budget, I'm trimming down my collection a bit. After the "jump" is the list of items that I'm currently selling. This list was updated and expanded 2005.11.19 with many prices reduced.

I just found a fantastic resource in the Digital Journalist columns. All sorts of musings by professionals. Good for at least 4 hours of procrastination.... 8 if you're a slow reader.

Equipment - tools of the trade: May 2012: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Equipment - tools of the trade category from November 2005.

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