Info - Useful information: April 2005 Archives

It's often said that we receive just as about as much radiation exposure flying than we do getting a low-dose chest X-Ray (see this page; this page; or this page). Apparently we get about 0.05 mSv per seven-hour flight (a chest x-ray is 0.04mSv). What does this mean for our film? Perhaps we shouldn't be as worried about the carry-on X-ray machines as much as background cosmic radiation. High-energy radiation can also flip bits in flash memory cards, so you digital photographers aren't as safe as you think you are.

Inspired by a recent posting on, I've been using to print out copies of my book manuscript for the various readers that are reviewing it. My book (on deaf politics and sign language in modern Japan) is about 300 pages long. PrintFu can print it for about $11 with postage in the USA.

Info - Useful information: November 2012: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Info - Useful information category from April 2005.

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