Info - Useful information: October 2005 Archives

I'm very nostalgic about my life in St. Paul. I miss many things about the city and the area. It doesn't help that HGTV regularly broadcasts shows about St. Paul / Minneapolis. Sigh..... Anyway, what do you do when you're nostalgic? You make lists.... Without further ado, here's Karen's Best of St. Paul:

Canon has released new firmware for its professional series DSLRs, the photojournalist's EOS-1D Mark II and the studio EOS-1Ds Mark II:

EOS-1D Mark II: Version 1.24

  • Fixes the phenomenon of file number errors that occurred when shooting bulb exposures.
  • Fixes the phenomenon of file numbers not being sequential even if the file number setting is for sequential numbers if when a CF card is replaced while the power of the camera is switched on.
  • Improves reliability in communication when using some CF cards.

EOS-1Ds Mark II: Version 1.1.4

  • Fix the phenomenon of horizontal line noise appearing when P.Fn-21 is set to ON.
  • Fix the phenomenon of file number errors that occurred when shooting bulb exposures.
  • Improves reliability in communication when using some CF cards.

The buzz on Slashdot and other blogs is that all four major digital camera manufacturers are releasing service advisories that the Sony-made CCDs on their cameras are subject to failure due to a faulty design that lets moisture in. See the info here: Canon, Fuji, Konica-Minolta, and Sony.

Info - Useful information: November 2012: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Info - Useful information category from October 2005.

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