Info - Useful information: August 2011 Archives

I updated my desktop a while ago to 10.7 and tried to fire up Final Cut Pro. I was still running a fairly old version of FCP6 since I hadn't found any good reason to upgrade to FCS 3.0 -- and with the new "unimproved" Final Cut Pro X, decided to stay where I was. Final cut pro x But my FCP wouldn't run. Strange. I decided to try to reinstall it, but the installer wouldn't work. A quick search of the internets revealed:
  • FCP6 and 7 will run under Lion but won't install as the installer is based on PowerPC code.
  • Lion doesn't include Rosetta, the PowerPC emulator
  • You can install Rosetta from a 10.6 install disk
So I scrounged around my archives and found a OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard Disk) and in the Extras folder was an installer for Rosetta. Ran that and it installed without complaint. Then went to my FCP Studio 2 disk and ran the installer, and it worked! It's installing away just fine. Step by step means to install FCP 2 on OSX 10.7 Lion:
  • Find OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard disk)
  • Inside the "Optional Installs" folder is an "Optional Installs.mpkg" file. Click on that and select the "Rosetta" installation option
  • Install Rosetta
  • Install FCP 2 (ignoring the warnings)
  • Bask in glory
Phew! I was worried that I would have to shell out more money for the distinctly inferior new Final Cut Pro X -- which wouldn't be able to even read my previous FCP projects!

Info - Useful information: November 2012: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Info - Useful information category from August 2011.

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