Meta - Info about this blog: January 2005 Archives

Update: Now in Kyoto

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This weekend, I moved into my new apartment in Kyoto. It's just 500 meters away from the Imperial Palace and 1.3 kilometers away from Doshisha University, which is where I'll be a affiliated as a visiting researcher. All very exciting.

Readers know that I'm conducting my research on disability politics in Japan and the United States. I just finished five months in Tokyo. I'll be in Kyoto until June. Then it's back to the United States where I'll be spending a few months in Berkeley, CA and Washington, DC. The goal of this research is a book comparing disability politics in both countries from a grassroots perspective.

More news and photos as I get settled.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Meta - Info about this blog category from January 2005.

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Meta - Info about this blog: March 2005 is the next archive.

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