Meta - Info about this blog: March 2005 Archives

CanonP-Closeup-01.jpgIf you've noticed the new "look and feel," I've switched over to MovableType. Thanks to Mehyar, Luis, and others for their help with the transfer. I even managed to get the old entries to export/import. There are still some weird bugs (I can't seem to delete any of the draft posts...) that I'm struggling with, but overall, MovableType is faster and more flexible than Blogger. I've kept Blogger around just in case this doesn't work out, but so far, I'm happy.

Meta: Blogger stinks

| | Comments (0) (which is the site I use to run this blog) is excruciatingly slow this week. I haven't been happy with their service and am contemplating of asking for a full refund (of $0 -- they are free) and switching to a paid service. If anyone has suggestions of a good blogging tool, please let me know. I've heard good things about MovableType.

Meta - Info about this blog: May 2013: Monthly Archives

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Meta - Info about this blog category from March 2005.

Meta - Info about this blog: January 2005 is the previous archive.

Meta - Info about this blog: April 2005 is the next archive.

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