Meta - Info about this blog: September 2005 Archives

Meta: New Haven Road Race

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CRW_6286.jpgThis morning was the annual New Haven Road Race. It just happens that the race runs right by my new house on City Point. If you look at the course map, I live near the intersection of Howard and Sea street on the very bottom. My whole block was out to cheer the runners (and two wheelchair racers) along.

My little Yamaha SR250 thumper* had been feeling under the weather recently. The rear sprockets were dangerously worn down and the rear brakes weren't working too well. I took it down to my local dealer in New Haven, Libby's. I've been shopping at Libby's since 1994 when I first came here as a grad student until I left in 2000. All the same staff were still there when I stopped by, and they all remembered me from five years ago. Fantastic service.

Somehow, Steve at the parts desk convinced me that I could do the sprocket, chain, and brake repair myself. I was feeling much more gung-ho at the store Friday afternoon than when I opened up the bag of parts and began taking my motorcycle apart on Saturday morning....

* Thumper: Single-cyclinder, four-cycle motorcycle. Named affectionately for its vibration. Also, many single-cylinders are kick-start and the strong right leg you develop from repeatedly kicking over an incalcitrant motor will earn you the nickname "thumper" among your electric-start, four-cylinder buddies. The SR250 doesn't have a kick-start so it's only half a thumper. A thump?

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