by Karen Nakamura
The category of photoethnographers is going to be a necessarily contentious one since it's a label that has only recently been invented. Under the critieria of "representing other cultures visually," I came up with the list below. Additions, corrections, and comments are greatly appreciated. KN
Destitute peapickers in California; a 32 year old mother of seven children. February 1936. Dorothea Lange. |
Photoethnographic Researchers & Photoethnographies
- Bateson, Gregory and Margaret Mead (1942). Balinese character, a photographic analysis. New York,: The New York academy of sciences.
- Doty, C. Stewart, Dale S. Mudge, et al. (2002). Photographing Navajos : John Collier, Jr. on the reservation, 1948-1953 by C. Stewart Doty, Dale Sperry Mudge, Herbert J. Benally ; photographs by John Collier Jr. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
- Kratz, Corinne Ann (2002). The ones that are wanted : communication and the politics of representation in a photographic exhibition. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Parr, Martin and Simon Winchester (1995). Small world: a global photographic project, 1987-1994. Stockport England: Dewi Lewis Pub.
- Poole, Deborah (1997). Vision, race, and modernity : a visual economy of the Andean image world. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
- Smith, W. Eugene and Aileen Mioko Smith (1975). Minamata. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.
- Vogt, Evon Zartman (1974). Aerial photography in anthropological field research. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Westermarck, Edward and Kirsti Suolinna (2000). Portraying Morocco : Edward Westermarck's fieldwork and photographs 1898-1913. ?Abo: ?Abo Akademis F?orlag.
Visual Anthropologists Working with Photographic Material
- Banta, Melissa, Curtis M. Hinsley, et al. (1986). From site to sight: anthropology, photography, and the power of imagery : a photographic exhibition from the collections of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum Press : Distributed by Harvard University Press.
- Devereaux, Leslie and Roger Hillman (1995). Fields of vision : essays in film studies, visual anthropology, and photography. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Edwards, Elizabeth (2001). Raw histories: photographs, anthropology and museums. Oxford ; New York: Berg.
- Fitzhugh, William W. and Chisato O. Dubreuil, Ed. (2000). Ainu : Spirit of a Northern People. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
- Howarth, Anthony (1967). Kenyatta, a photographic biography. Nairobi: East African Pub. House.
- Pezzati, Alessandro and University of Pennsylvania. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. (2002). Adventures in photography : expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
- Phillips, Sandra S., Mark Haworth-Booth, et al. (1997). Police pictures: the photograph as evidence. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art : Chronicle Books.
Photoethnographic Artists
(with caveats that agreeably some are stretching the boundaries
a bit)
- William Albert Allard (American, 1937-)
- Diane Arbus (American, 1923-1971)
- Letizia Battaglia
- Werner Bischof
- Manuel Alvarez Bravo
- Horace Bristol
- Robert Capa
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Edward Curtis
- Paul D'Amato
- William Eggleston (American)
- Walker Evans (American, 1903-1975)
- Harvey Finkle (American)
- Margaret Bourke-White (American, 1904-1971)
- Robert Doisneau
- Robert Frank
- Lee Friedlander
- Nan Goldin (American, 1953-)
- Lewis Hine (American, 1874-1940)
- Wing Young Huie (American, 1955-)
- Dorothea Lange (American, 1895-1965)
- Danny
Lyon (American, 1942-)
- Art History: Photography: Essays: Danny Lyon: The Responsible Witness - Sally Mann
- Robert Mapplethorpe
- Lisette Model (American, b. Austria, 1906-1983)
- Sebastiao
Salgado (Brazilian; 1944- )
- Home Page - W. Eugene Smith (American, 1918-1978)
- Weegee (Arthur Fellig) (American, b. Austria, 1899-1968)
- Carrie Ma Weems (American, 1953-)
- Gary Winogrand (1928-1984)
- Daniel Cheng Yang
- Suggestions to the list are welcome.
Misc links
- Farm
Security Administration -- Office of War Information (1935-1945)
- contains photos by Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and more
- Masters of
- NARA Confederate War Photos
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